
Blowup Dynamics for Nonlocal Transport Problems

October 17, 2013
  • viscosity and PDE
  • applied PDE
  • geophysics
  • crowd dynamics
  • optimal transport
  • finite blow-up time
  • 74H35
  • 74H30
  • 74Hxx
  • 76D50
  • 76D55
  • 76D08
In this talk I consider the dynamic problem of finite time blowup in nonlocal equations. I will review work involving blowup in nonlocal aggregation equations and how it relates to classical problems in fluids. The talk will focus on numerical simulations and models. I will also discuss some recent work on contagion models for crowd dynamics. I will discuss both kinetic and macroscopic models for such problems and discuss the connection of this problem to the classical "sticky particle" model in gas dynamics.