Lattices Acting on Polyhedral Complexes
November 6, 2007
- geometric group theory
- buildings and towers
- polyhedral complexes
- lattices in Lie groups
- lattice actions
- uniform lattices
- Tits building theory
- locally compact groups
- CW complexes, polyhedral complexes
- cocompactness, finite covolume
- Serre's covolume formula
- Coxeter groups, Weyl groups, generalizations
- nerves of complexes
- Davis-Moussong complex
- right-angled buildings
- 20F65
- 20F67
- 20F69
- 20F55
- 51F15
- 20E42
- 20E45
- 20E32
- 20E34
- 20E07
- 20Exx
- 20Fxx
- 20-xx
- 51E24
- 06B15
- 57-xx
- 57Qxx