
Seeing through Climate Models

April 19, 2007
  • applied mathematics
  • climate change
  • climate modelling
  • knowledge transfer
  • interactions between industry managers and scientists
  • accuracy vs. precision, overprecision
  • decision theory, planning
  • public policy, public education
  • expectation management
  • 93B11
  • 93B07
  • 93Bxx
  • 93-xx
  • 91-xx
  • 91B74
  • 91B76
Global models based on current and past observations document the reality of climate change caused by human activity, although the details of when and what will happen where are far from clear. This symposium will address the problems and research necessary to translate these global, long-term predictions into local predictions on shorter scales of time, where governments and businesses can act; and will address the implications for industry and public policy now.
Supplementary Materials