
Hamiltonian Systems Topical Workshop 1 - Exponential stability of Euler integral in the three--body problem

October 11, 2018
  • Three--body problem
  • Normal form theory
  • Two--centre problem
  • Euler Integral
  • Prediction of collisions
  • canonical coordinates
  • 34C20
  • 70F10
  • 37J10
  • 37J40
  • 34D10
  • 70F07
  • 70F15
  • 37J25
  • 37J35
The first integral characteristic of the fixed two--centre problem is proven to be an approximate integral (in the sense of N.N.Nekhorossev) to the three--body problem, at least if the masses are very different and the particles are constrained on a plane. The proof uses a new normal form result, carefully designed around the degeneracies of the problem, and a new study of the phase portrait of the unperturbed problem. Applications to the prediction of collisions between the two minor bodies are shown.