
Poincaré/Koszul duality

April 7, 2014
  • factorization homology
  • Koszul duality
  • Goodwillie functor calculus
  • blob homology
  • topological chiral homology
  • topological field theory
  • higher Hochschild homology
  • 16S37
  • 16S38
  • 16S80
  • 16S85
  • 14Fxx
What is Poincaré duality for factorization homology? Our answer has three ingredients: Koszul duality, zero-pointed manifolds, and Goodwillie calculus. We introduce zero-pointed manifolds so as to construct a Poincaré duality map from factorization homology to factorization cohomology; this cohomology theory has coefficients the Koszul dual coalgebra. Goodwillie calculus is used to prove this Poincaré/Koszul duality when the coefficient algebra is connected. The key technical step is that Goodwillie calculus is Koszul dual to Goodwillie-Weiss calculus.
Supplementary Materials