
Introductory Workshop: Hamiltonian Systems, From Topology To Applications Through Analysis - Normal forms and KAM theory in Celestial Mechanics: from space debris to the rotation of the Moon

August 23, 2018
  • Celestial Mechanics
  • normal forms
  • stability
  • 70F15
  • 37N05
The synergy between Dynamical Systems and Celestial Mechanics often leads to advancements on both sides, as the two disciplines feed each other through new methods and innovative applications. In this talk, I will present the implementation of different methods of Dynamical Systems theory (bifurcation techniques, normal forms, KAM theory) to some problems of Celestial Mechanics. In particular, I will focus on halo and Lissajous orbits around the collinear Lagrangian points of the restricted three-body problem. Similar techniques apply also to other relevant fields of Celestial Mechanics, like the space debris dynamics or the rotational dynamics.