
Continuous Optimization and Applications: Graduate Course - Lecture 12

July 12, 2007
  • continuous optimization
  • constrained optimization
  • convex optimization
  • convex analysis
  • convex functions
  • log-sum-exp
  • logarithm of determinant
  • differential criteria for convexity
  • mathematical programming, MATLAB
  • generalized inequalities
  • log-concave functions
  • differential criterion of log-concavity
  • quasiconvex functions
  • Jensen's inequality, generalizations
  • convex-conjugate function (aka Legendre transform)
  • Lagrangian formulations
  • operations on convex functions
  • sub-level sets, level sets, epigraph
  • 52A41
  • 52A40
  • 52-xx
  • 46N10
  • 49M29
  • 49M20
  • 49Mxx
  • 49Kxx
  • 49K40
  • 49N05
  • 49N15
  • 49N10
  • 49Nxx
  • 49-xx
  • 65K10
  • 65K05
  • 65Kxx
  • 15B57
  • 15B48
  • 90C20
  • 90C22
  • 90C25
  • 90Cxx
Supplementary Materials