
Local L-factors and perverse sheaves on certain loop spaces

November 18, 2014
  • L-function
  • p-adic numbers
  • perverse sheaves
  • loop space
  • reductive group
  • unipotent representation
  • 11F85
  • 14F43
  • 14F43
  • 20F55
  • 20G25
  • 20-xx
We present a conjectural construction of local L-factors for representations of a reductive group G over a local non-archimedian field of positive characteristic (associated with arbitrary algebraic representation of the Langlands dual group).The construction involves perverse sheaves on loop spaces into some algebraic semi-groups. We prove that our construction gives the right answer for those representations of G which have an Iwahori-fixed vector. This is a joint work with R.Bezrukavnikov, M.Finkelberg and D.Kazhdan.
Supplementary Materials