
Diophantine approximation on group varieties

February 6, 2015
  • Dirichlet's theorem for Diophantine approximation
  • Khintchine's theorem
  • unimodular lattices
  • SL(n,R)
  • SL(n,Z)
  • Mahler's compactness criterion
  • exponential mixing
  • real algebraic geometry
  • algebraic groups
  • 20Gxx
  • 20G20
  • 20G99
  • 20H05
  • 20Hxx
  • 14Pxx
  • 14P10
  • 22E47
I will discuss the problem of Diophantine approximation on group varieties and outline a strategy to establish analogues of classical results in Diophantine approximation in this setting. Specifically, I will talk about the problem of counting solutions to Diophantine inequalities on group varieties and its connection to spectral gap. This is joint work with Alexander Gorodnik and Amos Nevo.
Supplementary Materials