
2 Case Studies

April 21, 2015
  • Oncology, Drug Development, Pharmaceutical, Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling, Visualization, Communication
Viktoria Averina: Algorithm Development for Medical Devices Implantable cardiac devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators can track and analyze patient’s physiological data. I will showcase key steps of research and development of device-based respiratory monitoring: how one measures patient’s respiratory function, why one would want to track it, and what challenges come up during the implementation. Jeff Sachs: "Leveraging Visualization and Probabilistic Thinking to Get Consensus on an Assay Level Threshold for a Cancer Drug" -- Quantitative thresholds can support effective clinical oncology program decisions. Such thresholds are often derived from preclinical and (sparse) clinical data. Here, nonlinear mixed-effect modeling allowed integration of variability and uncertainty in data, and enabled simulations identifying a biochemical assay level (threshold) predictive of clinical efficacy. A kernel-based probabilistic model integrating these simulations captured the necessary phenomena. The resulting visualization enabled effective collaboration with the development team on the complex, multi-dimensional, probabilistic data.