
Long-time Behavior of the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation with Harmonic Trapping

November 4, 2016
We consider the nonlinear Schrodinger equation either with full or partial harmonic trapping. In both cases, the long-time behavior is heavily influenced by the resonant part of the dynamics, which we shall define and study. In the case, when all directions but one are trapped (“cigar-shaped” trapping), we prove modified scattering of the nonlinear solutions towards the solutions of an appropriate resonant system. The results are particularly interesting in dimension D=3. There, this resonant system turns out to be essentially the same as the continuous resonant (CR) equation derived by Faou-Germain-Hani. The special dynamics of the latter equation seem to give insight into the dynamics of vortices in the theory of Bose-Einstein condensation. This is joint work with Laurent Thomann.