
Asymptotic rigidity of noncompact shrinking gradient Ricci solitons

May 3, 2016
  • complex geometry
  • Riemannian geometry
  • geometric analysis
  • geometric flow
  • Ricci flow
  • soliton solutions
  • asymptotic behavior of solutions
  • positive curvature
  • classification of solutions
  • 53C55
  • 53C56
  • 53C44
  • 53C43
  • 53Cxx
  • 53-xx
  • 37C15
  • 37C10
  • 37C20
  • 37C75
  • 37-xx
Shrinking gradient Ricci solitons are models for the local geometry about a developing singularity under the Ricci flow. At present, all known examples of complete noncompact shrinkers are either locally reducible as products or possess conical structures at infinity. I will survey some recent results related to the problem of their classification including some joint work with Lu Wang in which we study the uniqueness of such asymptotic structures as a problem of parabolic unique continuation.