
The Ricci flow on the sphere with marked points

May 4, 2016
  • Riemannian geometry
  • complex geometry
  • geometric analysis
  • geometric flow
  • Ricci flow
  • Ricci curvature
  • stability of solutions
  • singularities of flows
  • 53C55
  • 53C56
  • 53C44
  • 53C43
  • 53Cxx
  • 53-xx
  • 37K40
  • 37K45
  • 37K25
  • 37Kxx
  • 37-xx
We study the limiting behavior of the Ricci flow on the 2-sphere with marked points. We show that the normalized Ricci flow will always converge to a unique constant curvature metric or a shrinking gradient soliton metric. In the semi-stable and unstable cases of the 2-sphere with more than two marked points, the limiting metric space carries a different conical and the complex structure from the initial structure. We also study the blow-up behavior of the flow in the semi-stable and unstable cases. This is a joint work with Phong, Sturm and Wang.
Supplementary Materials